RSS Tech News From Engadget

  • Meta rolls back restrictions on Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts
    Meta, the parent company of social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, has decided to remove restrictions placed on former President Donald Trump’s accounts. Meta updated its original statement announcing the end of Trump’s suspension on Facebook and Instagram in January of 2023 to reflect the Republican presumptive presidential nominee’s new online status. Axios first […]
    Danny Gallagher
  • Three senators introduce bill to protect artists and journalists from unauthorized AI use
    Three US Senators introduced a bill that aims to rein in the rise and use of AI generated content and deepfakes by protecting the work of artists, songwriters and journalists. The Content Original Protection and Integrity from Edited and Deepfaked Media (COPIED) Act was introduced to the Senate Friday morning. The bill is a bipartisan […]
    Danny Gallagher