Toyz Nation Gaming League (TNGL) will be hosting 4th TNGL Weekend, A creative arts, wearable and IOT technology hackathon!
Toyz Nation Gaming League is an official Carnegie Mellon University Student Organization, whose goal is to foster diversity in technology and creative industries through gaming as a medium
This is a 48-hour hackathon event February 17th – 19th at Hunt Library Studio A/B
This hackathon will focus on topics including the Creative Arts, Music, Animation, Film, Technology, Medical, Wellness, IOT, Design and Gaming. We will have professional music producers, DJs, representatives from Def Jam, as well as Da Great Deity Dah, a recording artist, who will be making a live album at the event and bring his international audience to participate via social media. His comic book and action figure will also be available to use. Android development is available through multiple platforms including via the Toyz Watch, a smartwatch provided by Toyz Electronics, an official Carnegie Mellon University startup. The Toyz watch runs on full Android 5.1, has video, music, phone, and gaming capabilities, and has already been used in medical research by some institutions. We also will have representatives Carnegie Mellon University’s Future Interfaces Group, (http://www.figlab.com/) in attendance
We will have both wearable technology and IOT platforms available for people to develop on along with Virtual Reality systems set up!
Combining multiple disciplines, this hackathon is open to all majors and skill levels and backgrounds. Those who have an interest or passion in topics such as music, art, animation, wearable tech, IOT, Gaming, Health and Wellness etc. are welcome.
Check out TNGL on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/ToyzNationGL/